The Falconers: Totara Hill Horror PART 1


As I mentioned a few days ago in a post, I’ve been pretty busy as of late working on a host of different projects. One such project has been a horror  serial for the upcoming transmedia franchise The Falconers which will soon be a series of short stories, video games and interactive novels based around a mysterious organization of monster hunters known as the Falconers, set in the colonial era.

Anyway, if that sounds like your kind of thing, please, check out part 1 of my Falconers serial: Totara Hill Horror right here

Post Colonialism In From Software’s Bloodborne: Father Gascoigne and Blood Ministration

bloodborne old hunter

Authors’ note: This Post is Part 2 in a 2 Part Series. Click here for Part 1.

Authors’ note: Due to the nature of Bloodborne lore, certain bits of information in this article may change over time to reflect a more accurate understanding of the games’ story and mythology. While I will always try my best to deliver the most accurate information as possible, due to the constant changing nature of theories around Bloodborne I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy all the time. I will however strive to make sure that the post-colonial analysis of this series remain equally valid even if some of the smaller details do change.

Continue reading “Post Colonialism In From Software’s Bloodborne: Father Gascoigne and Blood Ministration”

Post Colonialism In From Software’s Bloodborne: The Foreigners’ Journey

Bloodborne 1

Authors’ note: This Post is Part 1 in a 3 Part Series. Stay tuned for more.

Authors’ note: Due to the nature of Bloodborne lore, certain bits of information in this article may change over time to reflect a more accurate understanding of the games’ story and mythology. While I will always try my best to deliver the most accurate information as possible, due to the constant changing nature of theories around Bloodborne I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy all the time. I will however strive to make sure that the post colonial analysis of this series remains equally valid even if some of the smaller details do change.

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of From Software’s 2015 game Bloodborne. So much so, that I have already written articles about it several times in the past. Recently, during some academic study I have been doing, I was prompted to find myself a copy of RedGrave’s seminal work – The Paleblood Hunt and give it a read. The Paleblood Hunt which you can read here, is essentially an 80 page analysis of the complex and confusing story of Bloodborne by which, the author submits ten chapters unpacking each of the multifaceted stories contained within the game’s narrative, layering upon them as you read through, until hopefully the game makes a little more sense.

Continue reading “Post Colonialism In From Software’s Bloodborne: The Foreigners’ Journey”